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 Life is really a shadow of itself though can easily be captured with a goodbye.  Many of us find it hard to speak out even when we are badly treated.  

Violence doesn't really happen in time but basically build it standard from the root.  A son who grew to the level of beating his wife  and even sometimes in the presence of the child or children  is an example carried out by him from his parents or the society at large. That is what he has really learnt while growing up. No one to tell him the truth because he had no experience of a happy home so his believe is Life is about violence.

Why then suffer to death? A life well spent is totally the level at which you have managed it. Quite a lot of signs have showed up while dating your partner but many believes they can actually deal with it. Though it is not a sign of beating only but can also be restrictions from others and things that will add values to you and your mental health generally yet we ignore and sheepishly follows death in disguise.

What do you think life is, that we handle it with levity?  


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